Magento 2 E-commerce Website for MBUK
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E-commerce website for MBUK

As a smaller agency / consultancy, E-creation dedicates itself to limited client base, for a depth of understanding of specific client’s business needs, so we can react rapidly & effectively to any problem they face, whether it is technical, SEO, IT, marketing or strategic.

Magento 2 E-commerce Website for MBUK

One year ago, we took on and as a client, through a personal contact. After many years of working with numerous agencies who were not able to deliver the very unique requirements of Adam, the MD of company, E-creation took over to deliver a completely re-designed & re-engineered MemorialBenchesUK website and incremental updates to the Wealden website.

An existing PHP customisation within the Magento framework was completely reworked in order to provide a better user experience for website users and a more robust business process for backend order processing. This had always been a challenge for Adam’s business, where developer after developer had created increasingly convoluted code that was unstable & difficult to work with.

What were our goals for Adam’s business?

– Make website mobile friendly for a better user experience & Google ranking
– Improve the presentation of products with a redesigned website that was easier to use
– Optimise content on website for Google & create more effective Google Adwords campaign
– Enable automated product feeds into Google Merchant shopping adverts with ‘visual adverts’
– Optimise order processing to reduce customer questions & speed up order processing

Have a look at the website – – to see how we can redesign & redevelop your Magento E-commerce website for better business performance.

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